Hillary Rubin, Transformational Yoga Expert,  certified in Anusara Yoga® was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996 while working at Prada. After many years of a dedicated yoga practice and her choice to create a healthy lifestyle and commitment to personal evolution, she discovered her healing path living symptom and medication fre. Hillary’s transformative classes weave a life-affirming philosophy that celebrates the individual. Along with her experiential knowledge of the body’s natural ability to heal, she shares this dynamic combination to empower and inspire students in all areas of their lives.

In her podcasts you learn techniques from an expert teacher who understands from her own diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis what it takes to create a strong foundation while making yoga accessible and fun for everybody. “Our challenges are our greatest gifts,” is Hillary’s mantra. “When we embrace what we wish we could get rid of then we heal on a deeper level. Sometimes the body hurts and there are other problems in life – we have a choice to tap into it on the physical level to assist us in making a meaningful shift… to evolve, thereby becoming more of ourselves…”

Today, living drug and symptom-free, she inspires thousands of people globally to lead healthier lives. Hillary is highly respected by the yoga community, high profile clientele and thousands of worldwide Podcast subscribers. She is on the March Issue of LA Yoga and will be featured in the June issue of Yoga Journal. Hillary is the creator of Yoga Foundations the first of her healing yoga DVD’s soon to be re-released with Beyond Words Publishing.