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Yes, with grace I have made it to my 35th birthday and podcast and bring you the offering of this special episode which is approximately a 35 minute meditation. To signify my 35th birthday we begin with three om’s and end with five. Many days of contemplation on what I was going to share and the usual 35 sun salutations came to mind but then after connecting to my commitment to a three week breakthrough meditation practice (this is in the back of Sally’s Book) it made sense to share this with you. If you are new to meditation take a whirl and know there is no right or wrong enjoy your experience even if you just sit there and nothing seems to happen, be patient it will offer amazing fruits without your even being aware of them at first.

There are many ways to meditate and I first began using the style of the Self Realization Fellowship but then met my current teacher, Sally Kempton while in teacher training in 2002. At first when I met her I was practicing SRF technique thinking this was the only way and did not even listen to her. At the time I was not open to something new and in some way was rigid but after some time I sat with her again and totally let go and went with her guidance and am happy I did. Today I follow her technique which are beautifully explained in her book The Heart of Meditation .

This episode is dedicated to Sally as she opened me to the possibility of play within my practice of meditation.

Shakti: 1) the divine Mother, the dynamic aspect of the absolute Reality, and the creative force of the universe. 2)All-pervasive, divine spiritual energy

Acroyoga and the amazing Huck Hirsch – he is a gifted teacher who travels around the world teaching and sharing this wonderful practice.

Huck Hirsch
Residence: Los Angeles
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
After years of enjoying yoga on my own mat, I was so delighted by the AcroYoga vision of yoga practiced in 2s and 3s and 4s…exploring connection and trust and beauty in community makes this playful practice fun and vast and important.God created others for many reasons. AcroYoga invites us to find all of them.Born in Brooklyn. High School of Performing Arts. Amherst College. Many years working in musical theater. Performer. Director. Choreographer. Then I made a film and moved to LA, where I currently teach AcroYoga and Anusara Yoga.And I continue to write about the crazy wonderful journey of living.

Thank you for this opportunity to experiment, explore and share with you.



Today is my actual birthday, June 16th and the celebration began thurs night and continues with more events this week… I am so blessed to be doing what I love every day and see how I have grown myself using the gift of yoga. Well with all this fun happening around my special day there was pretty much no time for me to record a class and my friend Lara of Yoga Peeps was cool enough to allow me to offer you this interview for this episode. The life I have created is unfolding with endless blessings and gifts which you are part of – thank you. Enjoy this podcast and share your story with me.

My teachers are listed in my blogroll pls check them out Also for the books I mention check out my Amazon Store for great YOGA in NYC check out Elena Brower enjoy her interview hillandelana3.jpg.

NEWS and a GIFT just for YOU!

I have a workshop on YOGA of Health and Healing Sunday June 24th at City Yoga – its FREE!!! Please come if you are in the area I did say its FREE right…



For the past week I have been paying attention to see where I can make a difference in the world we live in by paying attention to where I can be of service. Even with teaching as a service for me I seek other ways to uplift others especially when I am in public places. The other day I saw a woman in Kinko’s began a conversation that led to yoga and that night she came to class – very cool to be able to help her heal as shared with me after class that she had a loss in her family and found yoga a great way to help grieve. This reminded me that we can make a big difference for others without really knowing the imprint we leave. My teachers all have reminded me of this and today I offer this to you – each day we can see how we are part of the tapestry of life.

Your feedback, YOU and your practice make a difference in this world…. I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity to make a difference in your life.

Sally Kempton – Check out the 3 Week Breakthrough Meditation

Sally’s book on meditation is in my Amazon Store : Hillary’s Yoga Pod a must buy for anyone wanting to learn or deepen their practice.

Sequence: Level 1

All 4’s – hands and knees

Cat Cow Warmup

Down Dog

Uttanasana – Standing Fwd Bend

Urdvah Hastasana Then Interlace Fingers Crescent to the Side

Uttanasana to Anejaneasana – Lunge with Knee to Floor lunge-with-knee-bentthumbnail.jpg

Down Dog to Plank to Chattarunga to Cobra

Lunge with Twist lunge-twist-variation-side-2thumbnail.jpg




Down Dog to Plank to Salambasana to Down Dog

Vira I – Warrior One vira1.jpg

Down Dog to Vinyasa Working Updog


Plank Pose to Salambasana

Child’s Pose to All 4’s Lifting Alternate Leg and Arms

Vashistasana vashi-stg1.jpg vashi.jpg

Lunge Hip Opener – deep-lunge-on-forearmsthumbnail.jpg

Eka Pada Bhekasana – ardha-bhekasanathumbnail.jpg

On Belly Prone Position Resting Head on Hands Ben Knee Foot Over Knee

Dhanurasana 2X

Down Dog


Down Dog

Ustrasana – Camel Pose img_1928.JPGimg_1929.JPG

Setubandha – Bridge Pose

Eka Pada Setubhandhasana – One Legged Bridge Pose Lifting One Leg at a Time

Easy Supine Twist

Ardha Mastyendrasana – Half Lord of the Fishes

Baddha Konasana

One Knee to Chest then Both to Chest




Now coming up on my 11th year of practicing yoga I see that am deeply into my commitment on and more off the mat. It flows into how I interact with myself and the world around me – I feel blessed. As I look back on the 5 years in LA (from NYC) and the journey to become a teacher, a wife, a writer, a podcaster and a person it’s amazing to see that I have grown exponentially while in LA. Also, with the grace of many people who offered me a place to feel safe to reveal myself even when it was painful for me. Yes I have grown in a major ways inside and out and what was the most important for this to happen was and still is the soil in which I planted my seeds, then the nourishment that followed. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank my teachers as they have said the many things which allow me to see who I am today and at moments I get a glimpse of who I am becoming which was always inside. Yoga, as my teacher Dr. Douglas Brooks says so beautifully is Growing Yourself – how sweet and wonderful to know so we can all see that we are becoming different flowers worth picking.

Take a moment before sitting on your mat and check in to see how much you have grown and see the soil you have tended to and how it has supported you to be who you are. Also, if you are in the process of shifting and moving into a place of freedom to choose who it is you want to be let this be a practice to support, nourish and take you deeper into your beauty.

PLEASE VIEW, My story in this Vidcast or read the transcript at choice.gif

Sequence: Strong Level 2/3


Balasana – Child’s Pose

Adho Mukha Svansana – Downward Facing Dog to Runners Lunge runners-lunge.jpg

Pigeon Prep pigeon-prepthumbnail.jpg to Dog Pose to Plank Pose

Down Dog to Uttanasana – Standing Fwd Bend

Vrksasana – Tree Pose linda.JPG

Samastithi – Sameness Pose

Urdvah Hastasana to Uttanasana

Trikonasana – Triangle Pose

Vinyasa to Down Dog

Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon into Parsvakonasana – Extended Side Angle Pose

Down Dog

Hanumanasana hanamanasana.jpg

Down Dog to Vinyasa

Ardha Chandrasana halfmoon.jpg

Ardha Chandrachapasana – Sugar Cane in the Half Moon archp1.jpgarchp2.jpgarchp3.jpg

Down Dog to Uttanasana then Clasp Hands Behind and Extend Over Head uttanhandsclsp.jpg

Bhujapidasana – Arm or Shoulder w/Pressure bujpid1.jpgbujip2.jpgbujip3.jpg

Tittibhasana – Firefly titti.jpg

Agnistambhasana – Fire Log Pose img_2005.JPGthen Twist agnitwist.jpgagnitwistprep.jpg

Dandasana – Staff

Triangamukhaipada Paschimottanasana – 1/2 Virasana and 1/2 Fwd Bend trimkpadap.jpgardhpasch2.jpg

Baddha Konasana – Bound Angle

Down Dog to Uttanasana

Sukhasana 1 minute of Ujjayi Pranayama with Jalandhara Bhanda – Neck Lock Assists More Air to Lungs

Surya Yantrasana – Sun Dial surya1.jpgsuryastg2.jpgsurya3.jpg

or you can have the leg in front for the entire sequence suryabent.jpg

Child’s Pose




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