You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2012.


This free yoga podcast is inspired by the famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — I HAVE A DREAM.

Click here now, to get a LOVE NOTE from your SOUL and a gift from me: Your Free Dream Commitment Guide.

In this Anusara Yoga Podcast, you will go deep into your heart of hearts, souls of souls and challenge your body to identify your SOULS DREAM. THIS IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!

We begin with a warm up, then standing poses, a few cool transitions to challenge you, basic back bends then some supine poses. It’s perfect to get clear, reduce your busy mind and have fun. Grab a journal and keep it by your mat, it may inspire you to jot down some insights.

Mentioned in this Yoga Podcast:

Your Souls University

A bad day for your ego is a good day for your soul. – Michael Beckwith, Founder Agape Spiritual Center

Let me know in the comments what you think about this class.


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